After our last successful online event in September we are very happy to announce that we can close this month with the second Art Brunch in collaboration with our partner SCAA (Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Architects and Artists)! We will feature an interactive live broadcast from Berlin`s Mariannenstrasse 33.
Speakers: Ruizhe Liang, SCAA board member, Founder / Director of Galerie Met Congle Fu, Curator, PhD researcher in Zurich Artists: Friedrich Andreoni, Yun Kima, Lukas Liese, Qing Lu
Program: 11:00 – 11:05h Ruizhe Liang – Introduction of the gallery 11:05 – 11:15h Congle Fu – Introduction of herself and the concept of the exhibition 11:15 – 11:45h Congle Fu / Ruizhe Liang / The artists – Tour of the artworks and underlying stories inside the gallery 11:45 – 12:00h Q & A